- #Will quicken for windows work on a mac with a windows emulator? mac os x
- #Will quicken for windows work on a mac with a windows emulator? Pc
I used OS/2 Warp 4 until the magic smoke leaked out of my PPro's power supply sometime in 2006-2007, but I have to admit that I wouldn't continue to use it as my primary OS today. Why oh why oh why would they put themselves at such a great disadvantage with this one and only life they have to live (assuming they aren't forced to do so by pure economic considerations)? OS 7, and so on) or a character-based non-GUI-based version of Linux? Or other discontinued OS's (whether character-based or graphical-based) such as PalmDOS, Symbian, Amiga OS, Atari OS, Apple ProDOS, and so on?
#Will quicken for windows work on a mac with a windows emulator? mac os x
Are there STILL any people who willfully bypass all the benefits of Windows after Windows 95/98/XP (up to the present Windows 10) or Mac OS X El Capitan and now its followup called MacOS Sierra, Android, iOS, Linux, and so on to instead stay locked into doing literally everything in DOS or Windows 3.x or a very old version of Mac OS (e.g., OS 9, OS 8.

I have, in fact, personally known such persons in the more distant past. NOTE: I am NOT thinking about persons who do so because they are so very poor that they can't afford anything better but rather am thinking only of those who willfully choose to be very very far behind in capabilities, features and functionality compared to more modern-day operating systems.
#Will quicken for windows work on a mac with a windows emulator? Pc
Are there still any people at all in our present-day world who willfully choose to use very old and outdated operating systems as a way-of-life (e.g, DOS, Windows 3.1, older versions of Mac OS prior to OS X, IBM OS/2, et al) and maybe even some who willfully avoid and bypass the use of any GUI (graphical user interface)-based operating system altogether to instead ONLY use a character-based operating system such as DOS (e.g., MS-DOS, FreeDOS, IBM PC DOS, Novell DOS), CP/M, and others? And do you yourself know or have you known any such persons and, if so, why do they do so? That is, why do they consciously and willfully abhor using a modern-day operating system (and then, with some of them, especially a modern-day GUI-based operating system)? QUESTION: Just a curious question that occurred to me yesterday.