The vector stencils library 'Rack diagrams' contains 33 rack design elements for drawing the computer network server rack diagrams. 24-Dec-07 VSDfx-2D-Full.zip VSDfx-Cisco-SAN.vss - Added MDS9222i front and rear, and DS-X9304 Multiservice card 10-Dec-07 VSDfx-2D-Full.zip VSDfx-Voltaire-HPS.vss - Added sRBD router card with FCR and IPR Modules - Added DDR cards - sFB-4D, sFB-12D, sLB-24D, and sRBD-D 17-Nov-07 VSDfx-2D-Full.zip VSDfx-Brocade-SAN.vss - *New File - Added Silkworm 5000, Silkworm 4900, Silkworm 4100, and Silkworm 200E - Added AP7600, and Director 48000 with associated components - Made several name changes throughout the set.